Linux Timesaving Technique For Dummies provides experienced and first-time Linux users with concise, step-by-step, timesaving,powerful techniques to help them perform tasks efficiently. The techniques, broken down into task-oriented topic areas, are delivered without technical jargon and in the For Dummies friendly, easy-to-understand style. The book corresponds with the latest releases of the Fedora Core, SUSE, and Mandrake distributions. This book is organized into parts groups of techniques about a common subject that will save you time and help you get your system running better. Each technique is written to be independent of the others, so you only need to implement those techniques that are important to you and your users. From time to time, we may send you to another technique to implement a feature that we’ll be using in our current technique we just don’t want to waste valuable space repeating ourselves. Each of the partsis about a different facet of a Linux system so you can scan the part title easily, looking for problemsolving techniques that will help you, quick.
It has over 60 techniques that help users perform end-user, system administration, and development tasks in many areas, including the following:
Desktop File system, RPM, Databases, Internet Server, Email Server, Networking, System monitoring, Security, Data Back-up and recovery, Programming (e.g., C and PHP), and Linux Kernel.
Over 60 techniques that help you save time by…
* Controlling time-consuming tasks
* Improving your system security
* Getting the most from your file system
* Automating repetitive tasks
* Tweaking the kernel on your Linux system
* Networking like a professional
* Tricks and tips for working smarter
* Explanations in plain English
* "Get in, get out" information
* Contents arranged by technique
* Advice that goes beyond the basics
* A dash of humor and fun