It benefits management, stakeholder management, program governance, and how these three themes are indispensable to successful program management. The terms program and program management have been in widespread use for some time and have come to mean many different things. Some organizations and industries refer to ongoing or cyclical streams of operational or functional work as programs. The recognized disciplines of operational or functional management address this type of work; therefore, this form of program is out of the scope of this standard. Program management is the centralized coordinated management of a program to achieve the program’s strategic benefits and objectives. In addition, it allows for the application of several broad management themes to help ensure the successful accomplishment of the program. These themes are: benefits management, stakeholder management, and program governance.Programs and projects deliver benefits to organizations by enhancing current or developing new capabilities for the organization to use. A benefit is an outcome of actions and behaviors that provides utility to stakeholders. Benefits are gained by initiating projects and programs that invest in the organization’s future. Programs,like projects, are a means of achieving organizational goals and objectives, often inthe context of a strategic plan.
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